May 8, 2009

Dex's Summer Project of INCREDIBLENESS

Guess what. Video games ain't gonna be my main focus this summer. Just something a little... video games related.


It wasn't working in prose form, so I changed the plot, changed most of the characters, and voila!... Basically, I started over and made it a comic. But still!

It's not going to be about PMD2 anymore. Well, maybe a little bit. Around the end of it, actually, but my point is it's not the main focus. I split the characters into different groups. Kard and Torchic are their own team, Team Ultimate, and Mort, Patsy, and Nidorina form Team SmiteSquad. I don't even know where Flux is.

Perhaps an explanation is in order. As an author, I understand a few things you don't. For example, Team Ultimate's name. It was not a name I made up; rather, a name that it sounded like Kard and Torchic would choose. In my original story, Patsy was becoming quite the Gary-Stu. In short, I'M A GOOD WRITER YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.

Anyways, I need to go learn how to draw half my characters before then. And also review the amount of the plot that I'm, uh... repeating? Also, I'll probably have to learn a few things about webcomicery, like how to make the whole next-last-previous button thing. I may need a more... usable site to put it on.

So. Any ideas, tell me. Thanks bye.

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