March 17, 2009

So what the heck /is/ a sandwich?

You mean, not the bread-and-lunch-meat-and-mayo-and-maybe-sometimes-lettuce-and-potates kind of sandwich? Like the kind mentioned in the title of The Thirteenth Sandwich? I, Dextrose, shall leave it to the other -ahem- staff members to explain 'cause I don't got a clue.

Uh, I'll leave it to Patsy. He's the writer.

I write about stuff I know about. Here, why don't I give it to Flux, the one who knows things about science? Or maybe team up with her so it's at least somewhat readable.

Flux and Patsy:
You may have seen them before. But, as more than 99% of the Earth's population is non-magical, I would suppose not. A rip in the sky. These are created when boundaries between a world and an equivalent in the different dimension become frayed. Eventually, if it isn't stopped, the two worlds will combine, creating utter chaos. Under normal circumstances, we would employ a technique affectionately known as DEUS EX SEWING MACHINA to repair the damage. It works. But, once... somehow, no one noticed. Two worlds combined and no one knew until long after it was done, creating a single, somewhat unstable world.

A sandwich is what happens when more than two worlds are combined. It was the first word we thought of and we stuck to it. These are even more unstable, and can completely destroy all three if nothing is done, and fast. So Flux created the Massive Reality Editor for just such an occasion. The first dozen times, when sandwiches were created by natural causes, the Editor was employed, and the problem was solved. But

Patsy without Flux:
you know, Danny and I get bored sometimes. Sometimes AQWorlds just isn't enough. That's when you go to Brawl. And then that gets old after a while, and that's when I get the great idea to mess with Flux's stuff. I called it a "crossover." Apparently, only I have a human equivalent in the Pokémon world. So that's how Danny ended up a Bulbasaur, and how I broke the Massive Reality Editor. And how I created the Thirteenth Sandwich.

Flux without Patsy:
And I a Kirlia, of all things. I managed to find Patsy after Danny asked me on a date, a subject that he still finds somewhat embarrassing. (Patsy: Well, if he was ever gonna ask somebody out, I guess a Pokémon would be the most likely thing.) I fixed the Editor, but Patsy insisted upon fixing the problem himself. Your thingy's pretty straightforward, he said; I can figure it out. I at last gave in. The last mistake I will ever make.

Not that she's dead or anything, but she's not trusting me with her stuff anymore. Heh. Umm, I separated the worlds okay, but we ended up in the wrong one. Um, apparently, my Pokémon equivalent is a Pikachu.

Danny: -back from lunch-
Oh yeah. I guess we ended up in a reenactment of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon II. Or perhaps the real thing. I'm the only one who knows what's going on. Ha ha ha. I'm just gonna guess that it'll tear the universe apart and such if I reveal any of the plot, so I'm gonna keep it to myself. Plus, it feels really good, knowing what the crap is going on while my friends are in the dark.

Patsy: Jerk. But at least I got a good title for the history book: The Thirteenth Sandwich: Unsliced.

Danny: Unsliced? That's not a word, is it?

Patsy: Ssh.

Flux: Hold it right there, Patsy. You're planning to record this?

Patsy: Yup.

Flux: You do realize that that places it in the forbidden area of fan fiction?

Patsy: Yup.

Flux: When we get back to HQ, you are so fired.

Patsy: Ha ha. Good luck with that. Who could possibly take my place?

Flux: Ohh, if I could use the Massive Reality Editor right now...

Patsy: What's wrong with it?

Flux: I can't take the chance and make the Thirteenth Sandwich again. It could destroy us and possibly even three universes.

Patsy: So how do you plan on getting to HQ, hmm?

Flux:... I'll think of something. Just you wait, McCoopington.

Patsy: So, I guess I'll put that up there. The Thirteenth Sandwich: Unsliced. Open to sporks the world over. As long as none of us start developing super ultra powers, I think we're free of Mary Sues. And the male equivalent.

Danny: I'm omniscient. Does that count?

Patsy: Um... you're fired.

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